Funny Birthday wishes and images

Funny Birthday wishes or Funny Happy birthday wishes messages are really useful with full of  humor birthday wishes messages that we can share with our friends and family or any other person close to us in our daily life. These happy birthday wishes or funny happy birthday messages are useful for birthday greeting and birthday messages through greeting cards, birthday cards along with birthday gift.So lets us check below some of the best birthday wishes and beautiful birthday messages.

So let us start this new year with some funny birthday wishes and funny birthday messages that will make you smile and laugh on this special birthday.

Funny Birthday Wishes and Messages

A smile is the simple curve, that sets everything straight in mind, And also wipes face wrinkle far away, Hoping that u ll share a lot of happiness,
And receive lots for the day to come. Happiest Birthday Sister.
We have been best friends since forever. I’m running out of birthday greetings, so what more can I say than a matter-of-fact? Happy Birthday! I wish you a wonderful day today and in coming days as well.

On your birthday, I’d like to take some time to think about all of the wonderful times we’ve shared together. I’m thankful for our adventures and all of the things that we’ve done as friends. I look forward to making many more memories with you.

Also read: Happy Birthday wishes

Its my pleasure to wish u on this happy occasion a very happy n a special birthday. I pray to god to give my friend who made me laugh,cry,feel,enjoy my life and had been with me in my hard times a very long and happy life!
These are some of the best funny birthday wishes and funny birthday images that you can share with your friends and family

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